Speaking a language that your customers or employees understand is an art, as well as a science.
To develop powerful and compelling statements, firms must acquire a deep understanding of their customers and employees, including familiarity with local languages and cultures. Research with customers or employees can help set a foundation of knowledge and create focus around a range of communication options. If copy has already been developed, customer or employee research can help create clarity around which messages resonate, and which do not. More importantly, well designed research will help organizations understand why messages do, or do not, resonate. This insight informs the basis for communication – above and beyond the limits of the messages tested – and creates the foundation for effective and expansive communication.
Typical communication optimization methodologies include:
- Shop Along
- Day in the Life Studies
- Shadowing Activities
- In-Depth Interviews
- Dyadic and Triadic Interviews
- In-person Focus Groups
- Online Focus Groups
Examples of Our Work:
Example #1: In-Depth Interviews to Understand Customers’ Information and Communication Needs
In the Summer of 2013, Ethnoscapes Global was hired by a marketing and public relations firm (representing a major manufacturer of ore mining supplies) to help understand mining customers’ information needs and to identify effective methods of communication. Read more, here.
Example #2: Focus Group Prototype Testing to Identify Appropriate Messaging
In the Fall of 2012, Ethnoscapes Global worked with a major international electronics manufacturer to help test and identify compelling value propositions and communication messages for a product designed to take advantage of new ePaper technologies. Read more, here.